
Tools Portal is dedicated to providing free online tools assisting you in software development and data processing. Currently there is a set of string processing functions and the new ICU Message Format Editor!

Unless stated otherwise, all data processing is performed in Your browser, without sending it to our servers. Thanks the power of modern internet browsers, you don't need to worry about the data you need to process with Tools Portal will end up on our servers. Your data belongs only to You!

More tools are in the works...

What's new


Brought back to life after the server died some time ago.


A new Favicon generator tool is now available! You can generate Favicons and generic icons without the need of an expensive graphical editor.

It is still work in progress. Upcoming features includes the ability to select icons and upload custom images.


Check out our new and awesome online ICU Message Format Editor with WYSIWYG features.

You can now test and debug your complex translations online before committing them to your source code and without restarting the application you are working on 🎉.